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Same House: Monsoon

Phú Quốc, a tropical paradise nestled in the Gulf of Thailand, is Việt Nam's largest island. This island is famous for its beautiful beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and lush tropical forests. But one of the unique experiences that Phú Quốc offers is its monsoon season.  

Tropical monsoon is one of the characteristics of Việt Nam. Our lunar calendar also devotes a lot to predicting changes in wind seasons. Phú Quốc experiences monsoon from June to September, with July and August being the rainiest months. The monsoons bring heavy rainfall, transforming the island into a lush green landscape. Although the rainfall is heavy, it is usually in short, intense bursts followed by sunshine. The temperature during this season ranges from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius, making it a comfortable time to visit the island.

Phú Quốc's monsoon creates two separate time frames and we can clearly see the difference in the lifestyle of people on the island. It replenishes the island's water resources and nourishes the lush tropical forests that are home to several unique species. The monsoon also plays a crucial role in the island's agriculture, particularly the production of the famous Phú Quốc pepper. However, the heavy rain does limit some outdoor activities and can sometimes lead to temporary closures of attractions due to safety concerns.

Despite the rain, there's still plenty to do during the monsoon in Phú Quốc. You can visit local farms and pepper plantations, explore the local markets, or enjoy a spa day at one of the small store beside the roads. The monsoon also brings out a different side of the island's wildlife, and a visit to the Phú Quốc National Park during this season is highly recommended. Lastly, the monsoon season offers some of the most beautiful twilights after sunset, with the clouds creating a dramatic backdrop. But this only happens in days after the rain, which is not very often; that is why it is very precious.

Experiencing the monsoon in Phú Quốc is a unique adventure that allows me to witness the island's natural beauty in a different light. The lush greenery, the vibrant wildlife, and the dramatic sunsets make the monsoon season a memorable time to visit this tropical paradise. 

However, climate change makes the monsoon increasingly harsh. The rainy season is stronger, the dry season is hotter. People will have to adapt to new lives, but that is not easy. If everyone contributed a little to reduce the impact on the climate, wouldn't it be a little more comfortable?

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