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  • Quỳnh Như

Same House: Freshwater

Phú Quốc - a small island located in the south of the country is favored by nature: deep blue sea, white clouds, long white sandy beach along with groves of trees. Phú Quốc is popular nowadays, it is getting more and more love from tourists. The growth in homestay or resort and restaurants is overwhelming. Seeing this, somehow, makes me happy because this beautiful island has finally been noticed, and the locals will have more jobs to keep their life stable.

(Photo by Ái Đi Lạc)

Phú Quốc is not only beautiful but also strong in spirit. For an island, everything is rare, especially freshwater. It is the source of human life. Without water, we can’t cook or take a bath, or even survive. In Phú Quốc, Dương Đông Lake is the main water supply. The locals also collect rainwater or dig a well to store freshwater. Sadly, development goes hand in hand with water shortages. Although I'm glad that Phú Quốc is discovered by many people, I can't bear to see the island struggling because of "thirsting for freshwater".

Indiscriminate littering causes water pollution. Cut down all the trees to build houses and resorts decreases the the island's underground water. Wasting water resources because it’s “free”, whether unintentionally or intentionally, have made Phú Quốc to be in a pain and ask for our help.

Each trip is an opportunity to learn a new lesson, and with Phú Quốc, we learn a lesson to travel without harming natural resources. Now is the time to heal Phú Quốc with kindness, starting with small things that can be changed by us.


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